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Inheritance in Functional Languages

7 minute read

There's a tendency amongst proponents of functional languages, like Javascript, to consider inheritance an anachronism of older (and, by implication, worse) ...

Using a Raspberry Pi as an iBeacon

less than 1 minute read

There's an excellent blog post by by James Nebeker and David G. Young about simulating an iBeacon using a Raspberry Pi and a bluetooth dongle. Since I alread...

More Fun With BeagleBone Black

5 minute read

I've discovered that owning a BeagleBone Black (or, in my case, two) is kind of like owning one of those really, really nice cars that you buy but you can al...

btle.js 0.2.0 released

less than 1 minute read

I just (okay, a few days ago) released version 0.2.0 of btle.js to npm. This has a bunch of API changes - the connect method now gives you a Device object, i...

Fun with BeagleBone Black

1 minute read

So, I've decided to try to play with ZigBee, and since I have a couple of BeagleBone Blacks hanging around doing nothing, I thought I'd try setting it up on ...

Node.js Bit Operations

1 minute read

I was working on trying to get the barometer readings from my TI SensorTag using Node.js when I came across this problem. See, the user's guide has two code ...

Published Bluetooth LE Module

1 minute read

Well, I published my Node.js module for Bluetooth LE, btle.js (pronounced "Beetle Juice") to npm. Even though it's labeled version 0.1.0, it's got most of th...